Roles and Responsibilities of a SaskFSA Board Director

SaskFSA Board of Directors

Position: SaskFSA Board Director

Term: 2 Year Term.

Appointed or elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. If a director has completed 4 consecutive, 2 year terms, (total term length of 8 years) he or she is not eligible for re-election or reappointment until 1 year has passed since the completion of the consecutive terms.

Board Director (Volunteer)

  • Monthly or bi-monthly meetings, Langenburg meeting location or other as determined by board
  • Monthly teleconference in lieu of face-to-face meeting during seasonal busy times
  • Time commitment: 4-6 hours per board meeting. 5-10 hours per month (meetings, preparation, events). Contribution to projects as required

The Board of Directors is collectively accountable to SaskFSA membership and their families, the community, sponsors, other stakeholders, and the future of agriculture in Saskatchewan. As a Director you are accountable to the Board, to adhering to the SaskFSA’s vision and mission while being respectful and professional at all times.


To advocate for progressive land and water management policy driven by agriculture landowners andsupported by the citizens of Saskatchewan.


It is SaskFSA’s intention to:

  • Work with government and regulatory agencies to create win-win land and water policy that is easy to understand and that benefits farmers and the environment.
  • Develop and communicate a cost / benefit analysis that demonstrates the importance of proper land and water management practices to the economy of Saskatchewan.
  • Engage, develop, and maintain positive relationships with all stakeholders interested in land and water management.
  • Be recognized as the leading source of information on land and water management practices and challenges in the province.


We work as a team and communication is essential. Individual board members have no authority to direct or make requests of the executive director or staff, or to speak on behalf for the Association unless given such authority by the board.


Board members are responsible for acting in the best long-term interests of the organization and the agriculture community and will bring to their deliberations a broad knowledge, a long-range view and openness to learning.

You are a grassroots professional that has a responsibility to provide specific solutions to water and land policy challenges.

Principal Duties

Every member of the Board of Directors is expected to do the following:

  • Prepare for and participate in board meetings
  • Listen to others’ views, advocate their own, identify common interests and alternatives, and be open to compromise
  • Support governance decisions once made
  • Participate in the development of a strategic plan to help guide future decisions
  • Abide by the by-laws, code of conduct and other polices that apply to the board
  • Participate in a sub-committee, being accountable to the committee leadand outcomes
  • Participate in the approval the annual budget and monitor the financial performance of the Association in relation to it
  • Help establish, review and monitor operational polices
  • Participate in the evaluation of the Executive Director
  • Identify prospective board members and help recruit and mentor them
  • Participate in the evaluation of the board itself (annual board self-evaluation). As a board Director what do you think you can contribute to in the following year
  • Contribute to the work of board as a member of a board committee
  • Attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting, Membership Meetings and Events, as well as applicable industry events
  • Be an ambassador for SaskFSA in the wider community
  • Keep informed about agriculture and policy issues relevant to the work of SaskFSA


The following are considered key job qualifications:

  • Own and operate a farm business
  • Knowledge of land and water management
  • Commitment to SaskFSA’s vision, mission and strategic directions
  • Availability of sufficient time to devote to board duties
  • Openness to learning and working as a unified team


The performance of individual directors is evaluated annually in the context of the evaluation of the whole board and is based on the carrying out of duties and responsibilities as outlined above.

Removal of a Board Member

A director may be removed from the board, by majority vote, for not performing his/her duties. Being absent from three consecutive board meetings without reasonable cause will result in the automatic removal from the board unless otherwise determined by a decision of the board.